The Impact of the Rice Milling Industry on Agricultural Practices and Human Health in Karnataka, India
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Introduction: The current study was conducted to assess the impact of pollutants derived from the rice mill environment on agricultural practices and human health conditions in Hassan District, Karnataka State, India. The aim of the study was to expplore the impact of the rice milling industry on the ecological status of the area.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was adapted to examine the status of the rice mill environment from January to June 2023. Five rice mills were randomly chosen, and the data was collected from 85 different family members residing at varying distances from these mills (0, 1, and 10 kilometers).
Results: Results indicated that more than 50% of the surveyed family members acknowledged the impact of pollutants from nearby rice mills on their environment, agriculture, and health. However, the impact on health and agricultural practices was insignificant, as indicated by scores ranging from 8 to 15 out of 30. When evaluating the environmental impact on a 60-point scale, it was evident that the contamination level exceeded 30 due to rice mill activities, signifying a substantial effect on the surrounding area. Within a 5-kilometer radius of the rice mills, the contamination adversely affected over 50% of the area, primarily stemming from rice mill activities. The contamination levels dropped to less than 20 at a distance of 10 kilometers from the mill location, indicating a reduction in impact with increased distance.
Conclusion: The overall analytical results and survey in the study suggest that rice mills should be located at a minimum distance of 0.5 kilometers from human settlements to mitigate contamination effectively. Encouraging environmentally friendly practices and adhering to principles, such as eco-efficiency and zero waste, are essential steps towards sustainable and pollution-free rice milling operations.
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