Comparing the Effects of Diesel Oil Pollution on Forest and Industrial Soil Microbial Community
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Introduction: Diesel oil is the most used petroleum product in Iran and other countries. The majority of diesel oil is stored in underground reservoirs and Fuel stations. This product can heavily pollute the adjacent soil. Diesel oil pollution has some ecological effects on soil that disturb the composition and diversity of the microbial community. The present research aimed to investigate the effects of diesel oil pollution on two different types of soil.
Materials and Methods: To examine the effects of diesel oil on microbial communities, two different types of soil (industrial and forest types) were collected from Kerman province, Iran. Six microcosms were designed based on three microcosms existing in each type of soil, including unpolluted microcosm, polluted microcosm, and polluted microcosm with nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphor). Some factors were assayed in each microcosm during 120 days of the experiment. These factors included total heterotrophic bacteria, total diesel oil-degrading bacteria, dehydrogenase enzyme, and diesel oil biodegradation.
Results: The quantity of diesel oil-degrading bacteria was significantly lower than heterotrophic bacteria in all soil microcosms. The quantity of diesel oil-degrading bacteria had a decrement pattern until day 60 of the experiment, but after that, these bacteria had an increment pattern. The best dehydrogenase activity between different microcosms was related to polluting microcosms with diesel oil except for farmland soil. The highest biodegradation of diesel oil in all studied soil types belonged to the industrial microcosm (95%). Statistical analysis of the results indicated a significant correlation between the most probable number quantity of heterotrophic bacteria and other assayed factors. Forest soil was significantly different from other soil types.
Conclusion: Given the obtained results of the current research, that forest soil is more sensitive to diesel oil pollution, compared to industrial soil. It is, therefore, possible to propose appropriate strategies for the bioremediation of different studied soil types.
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